sábado, 2 de janeiro de 2010

Capitão Power episódio final -A Retribuição e seu "irmão" detonador-Z'Ha'Dum.

O final "marvado" de Capitão Power e sua conclusão que acabou comovendo até quem não acompanhava a série regularmente, como eu ( Porque óbvio de duas uma , se vc pega uma série que não acompanha ou assistirá o mesmo episódio fraco N vezes ou, justamente, aquele episódio relembrado pelos fãs ardorosos para o qual eles tiram os lencinhos do bolso.

Baseada em um episódio real da vida do próprio roteirista Joe (ahá) Michael Straczynski que precisou exorcizar seu trauma pelo menos um bom par de vezes dando em dois momentos emblemáticos.

"I've never talked about this before-said I was in a thoughtful mood-but I've known several people, friends, who've taken their own lives. In one case, I spoke to her just beforehand. Tried, through the phone lines, to reach her one more time, pull her back from the edge. I couldn't. Years pass. Time comes for me to write the last filmed episode of Power."'

"Jennifer Chase is going to die, partly of her injuries, partly of her own volition. Part of my life went into that scene, in the way it was constructed, and what was said. And what was not said, what never had the chance to be said, and thus still burns. I knew that, at the crucial moment of that scene, he couldn't be near her, as I wasn't near my friend...it had to be long-distance, hearing but not seeing her, and the terrible pain of arriving too late. I cannot watch that episode without crying. Ever."

Comparem o I love you de outro "Joe", o John Sheridan no fantástico episódio final da terceira temporada de Babylon 5, Z'Ha'Dum.

Outro caso de I love you-Kaboom.

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